The Art of Slowing Down

A Three part, Anti-Hustle workshop for Cultivating Slowness and Presence.

Hustle culture is a scam, let's start there.

We talk the talk of self-care and wellness, are well versed with ideas of mental health, but are still stuck in exhausting, relentless lives, feeling like we’re always always behind. We barely have time to feed ourselves, let alone dabble into luxuries like leisure, play and rest. It feels like everything needs to be done, and done NOW. We are fully trapped in the hustle culture scam, disregarding our needs every step of the way.

I imagine if you’re reading this, you’re exhausted, you’re hustling, chasing your goals, but something isn’t feeling right.

I welcome you to try something different, imagine a different way of life.

One where you get to experience yourself and your life fully, with rest and leisure weaved into your days. Together, we’re going to shift your approach to life from, how much can I get done today, to, what would feel good today?

I’ve developed this course because I truly believe that there is a different way to live, and we’ve just been surrounded by too much noise to see it, scammed into a false sense of urgency, spending our days on unnecessary hamster wheels.  

Together, we will:

🍂  Challenge the Illusion of Urgency:
Explore what underlies the constant rush and embrace a more intentional approach to life. Map out practices and perspectives that help you navigate the demands of daily life without falling into the trap of hustle culture.

🍂  Cultivate Self-Compassion:
Shift your relationship with yourself from disregard to compassionate care. Discover the art of self-care and self-compassion as essential tools for living a slow, balanced and fulfilling life.

🍂 Integrate Systems of Care:
Create a personalised toolkit for presence and self-care that works for you, ready to be accessed whenever you need ground yourself in a kinder pace.

🍂 Learn to Listen to you Inner Wisdom:
Learn to honor your shifting energies, awaken your senses in the present moment and explore how your life can change right now, infusing it with kindness and compassion.

Who's teaching?

Hi, I’m Ayamma.

A therapist, creative, writer and a slow life advocate (read: hater of hustle culture).

I strive to help people create slow, gentle lives that are aligned with their values and what they want from themselves, and in doing so move away from lives they’ve been told to want (thinking of society, culture, upbringing, capitalism, the voice in them that tells them this is a bad idea).

Like most of us, I’ve spent my entire life on the hamster wheel, school, university career, waiting to be done with the next thing to finally be able to rest and in that have learnt two things:

  1. That’s a scam. There is no milestone you will finally be able to find rest and joy after. These are things to be created in your day-t-tay.
  2. That way of life has brought me no joy 

What has brought my joy, and drastically changed the feel of my life is focusing on the values I’m building integrating in my day-to-day, values of kindness, generosity and slowness towards myself.

All my work is based on helping individuals find the right answers for themselves (I don’t think there are generic answers to the harder questions in life). I believe each of us is very capable of figuring out what feels right for us, and my role in this workshop is to facilitate you through that process.

What to expect:

🍂 A gentle, experiential group space that you can participate in as much or as little as you want.

🍂 Guided reflective work through creative prompts and journalling exercises.

🍂 Visualisations and dream mapping.

🍂 Working with our bodies; arriving into them, paying attention to them, letting them rest.

🍂 Lots of check-ins and a space for questions.

Let me know if you're interested!

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