Hey, I'm Ayamma.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet.
I’m a therapist by profession, creative at heart and writer by passion. I run a therapy practise seeing clients for individual therapy work. I also facilitate groups, run workshops, and write about finding gentle, slow ways to live with hard parts of our selves.
Being human is messy, and I support people in understanding the messier parts of our humanity. Sometimes that looks like integrating our pasts with our presents, holding gentle space for the hard things we’ve been through. Other times, it’s about noticing and negotiating our resistance to growth and change
I help people create space for slowness, presence, compassion, self-care, creativity, harder parts of being human, all weaved through my never-ending hate for hustle-culture. I aspire to create a life that holds gentle space for our constantly shifting, gloriously creative, always messy humanities, and that forms the work I do. The ways in which nuance of cultural and intergenerational experiences weaves into our identities is integral to my lens of working.
My hope is to help create presence in our lives, and in doing so open up space for us to experience ourselves, our surroundings and our relationships in their beautiful, magical, messy fullness.
For more information about my therapy practice, click here.
my values
Being human is messy. The messiness of our experiences doesnt make us broken or flawed. It makes us fully human.
The hardest parts of us deserve compassion. We can’t beat ourselves into change, we have to meet ourselves where we are, in our resistance.
Our past shapes our present. Understanding our culture, our ancestory and our life experiences is integral for growth, movement and change.
Healing is not a nice shiny place to arrive to. It’s a constant, on-going negotiation happening in small, often invisible moments.
Hustle culture is a scam. I hate that our beautiful human lives have been reduced to a hamster wheel of achievements and milestones. We deserve to live gentle, slow, present lives.
Some of what I do
I hold space
for individuals wanting to do the hard work of looking into themselves and connecting to their inner wisdom.
I teach
about accepting our messy humanities, contextualising our experiences into our pasts and communities, slowing down, and becoming present.
I create
as a means of self and community care, through my writings and offerings.
I share
from a place of my own messy humanity on my instagram and substack.